Focus/Priority Statement – I will create opportunities for staff to develop and strengthen their skills, abilities and resources focusing on the NYC READS and SOLVES city-wide initiatives, emphasizing on planning, targeted professional development, and cycles of observations, to support students’ overall academic success.
We hope everyone is enjoying their summer break! As we approach September and the start of a new school year, I would like to share with parents the most recent information. First day for students: Thursday, September 5th School hours: 8:00 am - 2:20 pm Monday through Friday Breakfast: 7:30 am daily Day One: Designated staff will be assigned to multiple locations around the perimeter of our school building to assist families, answer questions, and provide official class information. Do not worry if you are unaware of your child's official class. We will take care of EVERYONE day one.
NOTE: Students may participate in MS 202 afterschool clubs (when they open) and then go to SAYA Afterwards. Email [email protected] for more information
Read the attached important message about the New NYCDOE Safer Schools Program. The primary objective of the Safer Access system is to ensure that all doors remain locked outside of the morning-entry and afternoon-dismissal periods.