Grading Criteria » ARP Grading Criteria

ARP Grading Criteria

Maintain a minimum of 85% average in all classes.

Maintain a minimum of level 3 on ELA and Math NY State tests. 

Maintain an attendance rate of 95% or higher.

Conduct grades must reflect excellent or satisfactory.

Required service projects throughout the school year. (For NJHS consideration)

ARP Courses
The Advanced Regents Program begins in grade 6 with preparation for rigor.  Students are placed according to grade 5 report card grades and/or teacher recommendations.
Grade 7 will be the transition year for students to either remain in ARP or be removed due to struggling academically with the required rigor.  Supports will be in place for struggling students; however, it may be necessary to make class changes.
Grade 8 ARP students will be taking grade 9 Earth Science and Algebra 1 courses in preparation for the regents in June.  Attendance and seat time is very important in grade 8 ARP classes.